
Budi considers himself a seeker of the unknown, an individual whom finds comfort in knowing more of the world, in its oddness, and strangeness. Yet behind it, a similarity of human ingenuity, connection, and feelings. As a passionate lover of languages, he holds out his hand to many people greeting in numerous languages. Learning English at The British Institute Depok, he loves how the outlandish, bizarre, and peculiar words with different accents roll off on the tip of his tongue. This one language is his connection, to his worldwide friends. Sharing freely what he sees, tastes, hears. Sensational colors, textures, flowing words. It's thrilling, exciting, there's no stopping of learning and yearning to relate with others who are as fascinating as his friends.

Dante's not so talkative. He believes pictures with keywords he posts on his blog is enough to give a chance to give taste on what Italian food is about, rich of mozzarella cheese.

Bill follows the trails of the Masai, in chase of the roots of civilization in the African nations. Each picture, text he makes, is a legacy of the people, his insight gift to the world.

Ming's a college student, sharing her view of the Pagoda in China. Rich historical culture, many millennia of ancestry. She writes ramblings of a youth, proudly boasting to her friends, and ushers them to visit her country.

Wherever they are, whatever they do, English has connected them through sharing their feelings, hopes, and dreams.

All, citizens of the globe.

“This blog post is included in Blog EntryCompetition, with the theme Inspiring and

 Empowering through TBI, in collaboration with Blogfam and"

Well... the TF gathering's been done. 

I got to say it was one heck a experience. =D 

So basically the main thing we did was watch Transformers: Prime, which the new prime time animated series that is a mix of the Transformers movie and Transformers Animated. By most fans, it's been dubbed as 'BayFormers Animated'. Most fans were diappointed they couldn't think of anything else and the graphics look awkward but hey, what matters is the story.  

Yet another war for these bots... 
The story is dark and somewhat questionable to be seen by little kids. Even so, it's enjoyable as there some plot twists here and there. Recently it's gotten repetitive, but well... it's only 10 episodes so far. I'm not doing the real complaining yet. The only thing I would complain about was that one character looked so awesome and everything in the comics... was killed early in the very first episode. Then the character gets zombie-fied. 

Man... I'm a little worn out today.



I've been finishing projects that have been on my list of things to do. One major project was my uncle and aunt's wedding anniversary gift as well as my friend's birthday gift.

The results were okay I guess, while it wasn't my best work I'd say it's presentable on what's it's supposed to be. A gift.

The verdict? My back hurts or I'm having back pains.

At least all of it was worth it.

Another post for today...

I'm just adding in this post in particular as I have a phobia... well - it's more of a sore subject really of making friends. Any normal person might think it's stupid, but when you move around so often it's painful at times to the point where your just tired in making friends because of losing contact so on so forth. 

We're all a part of each other. =) 
I've decided to change all of that... 

Moving to one place to another is one thing. Yet the most tedious thing I don't really like is about packing all the luggage you're going to bring. I mean - it's okay when it's like a suitcase or two. Try moving houses for the most of your life and you'll start thinking it can be a pain.

We're moving to Madagascar soon. I've already heard about the people there, so I'm not expecting much change. Just more socializing to do. Since it has been a while I've stayed in Indonesia, well, I'm going to be expecting to be home sick for a few weeks. Yet still, I suppose it won't be a major problem.

In the mean time, I still have my thesis to finish, patching up what I can with friends and things to do. I've joinned online communities so it's way easier to stay in touch with everyone new who've I made new friends with. Hopefully it'll be okay. =)

That's for this post about moving for now.

Logos for the fair.
There's always a thrill to go to a certain computer fair when it comes around in the city that time around in the year. Well, it wasn't too bad today (since we went there on a work day and not the weekend) which won't be as crowded. But hey, it's Jakarta people... I was pretty surprised about the number of people that were milling about. It was enough to look like it was crowded. 

The other reason why it's crowded on a normal day was because there's three events at once in the same large building which is the Jakarta Convention Center. First the computer fair, second there's a gaming fair, and third a photography fair. 

A digital freak's dream. Gotta love it. Minus the crowd. 

This is my second blog I think I'm going to focus on. While I have another based on fanfiction, this one is probably is just things that happen to be in my mind right now and as much as I can blog about.

Short, simple things, and a dash of whatever I'm thinking about.

Thats all for now! ;)

~  SilverWriter2

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